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Exploring Whitemud Creek - Blue Quill Edition

Time To Read: 1 minute

How’s this for a hidden gem in YEG?

Blue Quill/Whitemud Creek

Sometimes a routine bike ride turns into something memorable. You get to see other neighbourhoods that you normally don’t get a chance to visit.

I expected a good, but flat ride, riding along the paved bike trail starting from Heath Road towards 106 street, the pathway is unique as it almost cut the city in half.

Heath Road

Including whitemud creek, who knew that this “flat” ride is actually quite challenging as it goes into and of out the creek.

The hill coming going into the creek is great, the climb out of the creek is … not flat.

For those want to know how to get to that part of the creek, take the bike path from either side of the city to point B on the google map.

Point B is the Blue Quill Whitemud Creek Bridge

Happy Exploring

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