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Whitemud Ravine Nature Reserve

Time To Read: 1 minute

Park and stroll - nature right there!

Sorry for the long break, but bike crash and burn took a toll and awhile to heal. But, I’m back.

Off to the point of this post:

Can you believe this, just a short walk off the main street.

Whitemud Ravine

This little gem of a hike is hidden but accessible if you dare to explore.

This little hike is surrounded by beauty and very easy from a hike level. No bikes, just hikes. Take that for what it’s worth.

Whitemud Ravine

Whitemud Creek

Once again, from here, the trail network is extensive. You can go all the way to snow valley.

Whitemud Creek

How to get there:

Entrance Near Oglivie Boulevard and Omand Drive

Take the little path off the main road:

Entrance Near Oglivie Boulevard and Omand Drive

Happy Exploring.